redis3m  1.0.0
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 |oCmodelClass useful to define models used by orm and simple_obj_store. REDIS3M_MODEL_RO_ATTRIBUTE(type, name) macro defines automatically an attribute with a public getter. All fields need to be serialized to a std::map<std::string, std::string>. Model class contains various helpers to to that easily
 |oCormObject-Redis-Mapper is a convenient pattern to store object on Redis. Useful when you need classic CRUD operations. It's compatible and inspired by Data can be indexed and it supports also uniques. To use it make a subclass of model to model your attribute and use it to fill orm template parameter
 |oCschedulerA scheduler pattern, can be useful to manage "jobs" that needs to be run at a given time. It's fault tolerant and scalable. Multiple workers can be dispatched and jobs will be executed only once. See for other infos
 |oCscript_execHelps to run Lua scripts on a Redis instance. It will take care to use EVALSHA to optimize performance and then EVAL if the script is not yet available on Redis server. See for other infos
 |\Csimple_obj_storeSimple object storage, ready to use save, find and remove of model classes. id management is not provided
 oCconnectionThe connection class, represent a connection to a Redis server
 oCconnection_poolManages a connection pool, using a Redis Sentinel to get instaces ip, managing also failover
 oCreplyRepresent a reply received from redis server
 oCsimple_poolManages a pool of connections to a single Redis server